Monday, December 29

My Neighbor Totoro (Tonari no Totoro)

I'm blogging so I could remind myself that just in case I get too busy taking care of my health while my son's on his way, I want the nursery to be painted with a full sized Totoro!!! ^_^

I've come to learn of Hayao Miyazaki from
and was fortunate enough to find his works immediately.

Here are some of his classic animated films:
NausicaƤ of the Valley of the Wind
Laupta: The Castle in the Sky
My Neighbor Totoro
Kiki’s Delivery Service
Porco Rosso, Princess Mononoke
Spirited Away
Howl’s Moving Castle <-- most recent

Quoting linesandcolors:
"If you’re not familiar with most or any of those, it’s the fault of a narrow-minded American movie distribution system and/or Disney, who has the rights to distribute and promote Miyazaki’s films in the US, but apparently doesn’t have a clue how to do so. (To their credit, they’ve done a pretty good job with the packaging of the US DVD versions)."

Sigh~! Totoro's just so.... dreamy I guess is a proper word instead of "cute".

- just sharing ^_^


Con-Con San said...

hi stumbled upon your blog. I've watched two Miyazaki films so far, Totoro and Spirited Away. I like Spirited way better.

Keep blogging!