Monday, January 11

A Chrislike Manifestation for 2010

Few years back til last Sunday, I would always say to my friends that "Intention is more importation than manifestation".
In preparation for the week-long fast, I pondered on this statement. My belief started by thinking, men could open doors and pull out chairs, but that doesn't mean chivalry's not entirely dead.
The motives for these actions are more important that the actions itself. A 12-year old daughter could just miraculously clean her room AND cook dinner, just to ask for an extra P500.00. As shared by Pastor Dennis, politicians have a lot of promises in line with the upcoming election, but then their campaigns could be like a series of Little Red Hood -- wolves telling lies lies and more lies. Intentions are ultimately more important in doing a fairer judgement, but its totally different from the Lord's point of view.
It was only last Sunday that I've thought otherwise. In the spirit of starting the new year right, Pastor Dennis spoke a very simple message about Men's way vs. Gods way at the 5PM service.
He reminded us that our decisions will determine our destination. So I'm very excited with the new actions I will carry out this year for the Lord, because ultimately I know God has something bigger and better in store for me in 2010.
Happy 2010 peeps!