Wednesday, October 20

Save the World! Buy Shoes

This generation is the best time to spend. To help boost the economy. There are no excuses to be filthy. We all must spend wisely. I believe people are just as interested in SALEs just as the new arrivals are. Not pre-owned.

I'm ok with UKay, just as long as its not shoes. Yuck.

Does anyone know where I can score the following in 7 1/2?

Very Cool.

Trainspotter (2007) *Drool*

Take a closer look.

Everyone knows that its not having the moolah to buy it now now now... its the quest for the perfect item!


gmang said...

Wow.... these shoes are nasty. Might as well buy used if you're gonna get these.

Anonymous said...

Jealous much? Miss the color? You hate your plain white sneaks now? ;)